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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Muay thai boran ,Chai Yuth Vol 2 History and Basics Trainer Vol. 2

At last,an English language video training course on traditional Thai Boxing,Muay Thai.This martial art form was encouraged by the kings of early Siam along with sword fighting to build an army capable of defeating Siam's enemies.It is still encouraged by the Thai Royal Army to prepare its troops.It has formed the basis of modern day professional and amateur Muay Thai and the techniques taught in these videos can be seen in action in the ring every day.Chaiyuth means "Winning Strategy".

Volume 2 - Relationship Between The Nine Weapons

How to learn the most superior form of Muay Thai

Teacher Chakraphob writes:
On this DVD we are going to learn what is called "the relationship between the nine weapons", i.e. to practice using the hands, knees, feet and elbows. There are 7 practice series on the DVD, each using the hands, knees, feet and elbows alternatively, both offensively and defensively, from the front, back, side or all four directions.

In ancient days, the teachers divided Thai boxing into 3 categories with 12 primary forms, altogether 36 forms. If they are mixed together more than 108 forms can be obtained. These 108 forms are being continuously developed and the outcome is infinite.

If we practice until we are skillful, we will be able to create various forms and use our weapons naturally and effectively. It all depends on how much each boxer has mastered the primary and secondary forms. After learning the boxing skills I hope you will practice and become a good and kind person in society and in your nation too.


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